how to make Nane Mburu

Read Time: 3 minutes​The 3 pillars of LinkedIn growthDoes this sound familiar?You’ve been slaving away on LinkedIn for months, but you’re just not seeing the results you want.Maybe you even post quite consistently……but your follower growth has been OK at best.You’ve yet to land a single client from the platform.And you’re starting to wonder…“Is LinkedIn even worth my time?”I’ll be honest with you – there are a lot of BS growth tactics for growing on Linkedin.“LinkedIn growth experts” get tons of engagement by telling people how to grow on LinkedIn.But founders like us don’t have time to engage 3 hours a day.We have companies to run.I grew my LinkedIn to 272,000+ followers in 14 months while my business doubled in size.So in today’s newsletter I’m going to share my busy founders’ guide to growing on LinkedIn with you.